A new perspective

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Well my summers over. At the beginning of some I set out to accomplish some things. Why does things was programming. I failed to do that. Secondly, I'm reading my summer reading. The books are required for next year. I still haven't finished all three. I'm still looking for a college, but I still don't know how I'm going to pay for it. I can't get a job because my father will not let me. The college I desire costs $50,000, but I am not rich. There analyze my dilemma. Its money. Money makes the world function. That is a lesson I'm still trying to learn. It's a life lesson one of many that people have to learn. Life's lessons are usually learned through experiences only. the usually, and must be learned to the so-called hard way. That's because of life is going to always be hard. Never easy. There is no such sting is an easy life no matter who you are, or who you know. I'll give you a lifeless and for free-listen very carefully: Every time you interact with someone or something you will affect a person in some way or another whether you know it or not, therefore, be careful what you say and what you do. For if you're not yourself pay for a later. Whether be momentous, minutes, hours, months, or years later. You will pay eventually! My summer has slipped away from me faster than I true the comprehend. I am being told both did or launched into my senior of high school. College coming faster than I would like. Fear is gripping me. Tightly. I don't know if I can handle college. I don't know if I can handle the lectures in the exams in the stress that comes with this institution. I and our right to choose my patient would direct the rest of my life. But seems I shall have to because I and our time to be complaining. I will graduate within one year whether I like it or not. You can't control time. I cannot be a failure. All my life I've told myself I will not be a name less 9 digit number (for you slow folks that your Social Security number). For two years now might motto had been derived from a movie. " if you want and be somebody, if you want and go somewhere. You have to get up and pay attention. " I have college out and go to. Is specialty college for the Digital Arts it is at the state and expensive, but to have been helped me I shall go. And if I can't go that I shall be forced to attend the town college. And there by, forced to study something I did not a will learn, to do a job I don't want, in order to pay bills I have to pay in order to live

In short I have accomplished nothing I set out to accomplish during the summer. The on the Net has happened as their increase in might anxiety over colleagues my nerves. Meister as little as increased my fear of life is confirmed. And did they ever enlarging her time is passing by and there's nothing I can do. The cause of death is starting to haunt me. Almost with a demonic spirit. But not fear death, it is simply part be end of a cycle, while worried there's nothing you can do to stop it, slow it, or change it.
With that last comment, my riding is complete for this section. As always, please excuse grammatical error. any error you might find is by no means a reflection of my true in intelligence.